VolkerHighways installs zero carbon street lighting in parks across Luton
VolkerHighways has installed solar street lighting at two public locations in Luton – Kingsway Park and Wandon Park. Solar street lighting produces zero carbon, with no electricity waste, and eliminates the need for cabling, trenching, feeder cabinets and connecting to the grid for electrical supply.

As part of VolkerHighways’ street lighting term maintenance contract with Luton Council, the business has installed 25 columns and solar streetlights at Kingsway Recreation Ground and 35 columns and units at Wandon Park. Solar lighting saves up to 93.53kg CO2 per year compared to a like-for-like streetlight.
The passive lanterns automatically come on at night and remain at 20% brightness until someone is within 15 metres on either side of the streetlight where it then switches to full power. Each streetlight is evenly spaced 30 metres apart and the units require no maintenance, other than cleaning every few years.
There is the option to add a monitoring system to the units which is controlled via an app. This would enable the team to remotely review the lantern’s performance including checking if there are any faults or increase the brightness.
In addition, VolkerHighways’ highway term maintenance team is installing a new accessible footpath around Kingsway Recreation Ground.
David Easton, Operations Director for VolkerHighways, said: “Solar street lighting provides continuous light while saving optimal energy and light pollution. It’s great to see Luton Council making use of these eco-friendly innovations. The parks are now well-lit, making the areas safer for park users and residents.”
Cllr Javed Hussain, portfolio holder for Sustainable Development and Highways, said “Every action we take as a council matters when it comes to reducing our town’s carbon emissions. Installing zero carbon street lighting in these areas will not only save emissions and money but also help keep our residents safe at night.”