
Corporate Responsibility

VolkerWessels UK is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate responsibility in all our business activities.

CR vision

As part of VolkerWessels UK, VolkerHighways is committed to the same corporate responsibility vision as that of all operating companies within the group. We are committed to maintaining the highest of standards in Corporate Responsibility (CR) throughout our business activities and recognise that we have a responsibility to the society in which we operate and to our stakeholders.

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Health and safety

VolkerWessels UK recognises that it has a legal and moral duty of care for the health, safety and welfare of our employees and those that may be affected by our activities.

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VolkerWessels UK believes that integrity is of paramount importance and it is a core value to the company. We expect all employees, and those who work closely with us, to behave with integrity at all times.

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‘People-Planet-Purpose’ is VolkerWessels UK’s Sustainability framework.

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Carbon Reduction Strategy

VolkerWessels UK’s Carbon Reduction Strategy sets out our target of being Net Zero by 2035 for all Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and for those Scope 3 emissions which are under our direct control.

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Education engagement

Inspiring the next generation

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Quality is at the heart of everything we do. It takes years to build a strong and robust reputation. We’re confident that we can meet, and exceed, your expectations. From our employees, to our contractors and suppliers, everyone pulls together to deliver a high-quality, flexible and responsive service, that you can depend on.

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We are committed to meeting our client's expectations whilst operating our business accountably and striving for excellence in all that we do.

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As a major employer in the construction industry we take seriously our responsibilities to act in line with appropriate legislation, as well as with our own policies which deal specifically with colleagues and the people we come into contact with. We continue to provide a safe working environment in which employees can continue their personal development and are building a culture in which ethical business practice continues to thrive.

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We are aware of the effects that our activities can have on our environment and accept our responsibility for future generations by limiting our impact. Through many initiatives we continually strive to be as socially and environmentally responsible as possible and believe that sustainable innovations can even make a positive commercial difference in the short and long term.

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Our offices and sites work actively to become part of the communities in which they are working. We actively support charities and causes both locally and nationally. Our aim is to add value to our society, inspire others and support colleagues, clients and suppliers in their own efforts to share time, skills and resources in their chosen way.

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